
that’s funny!

what to expect at dtf

Maybe you’ve been to a comedy show, or even a comedy club

But you’ve never been to a show like this

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noun - a flamboyent style of confidence or manner

We transform weird places into unique, intimate comedy clubs. You’re not going to feel like you’re in a comedy club. But you’re also not, not going to feel like you’re in a comedy club….wait. What am we trying to say…

Our sets looks cool man. Whether we’re in a bar, a basketball court, or a church - you’re gonna feel like you’re a part of something special. Who knows if we’ll ever be back in that same space again. We’re afraid of commitment.

Also, not many people know this, but there’s a psychological aspect to setting up a room for Stand-Up Comedy. Where and how your seats are arranged can make or break a show. Our team has over a 3 decades of experience in the live entertainment space - we got it down to a science. For you.

incredible comics

This one sounds obvious. Of course we’d say that too right? But here’s the thing….A lot of Comedy Clubs are able to keep their overhead low by bringing in newer, less polished talent. We’re all about developing new talent at DTF. But, not at your expense. We scour the globe for the best talent we can find, to ensure that you have an incredible experience. Comics know about our shows too, so you never know who might drop in and ask to do a guest spot.

We generally put on a balanced lineup of 4-6 comics per show. So, if one or two are not YOUR cup of tea, you can just sit back and wait for the next one. But try to remember that humor is subjective and requires a symmetrical understanding of the topic being discussed. So, if a comic is making jokes about the Mongolian Empire and you skipped that day of History class, don’t feel left out! Just smile and wait for the next one!

cost-effective night out

Maybe you’re trying to save money…maybe not. Either way, we’re going to make this incredibly affordable. Some ticket prices for comedy are upwards of $40 and that’s just to watch the show. Then you’ve got $17 cocktails, tax, tip, blah, blah, blah.

Live Stand-Up Comedy should be accesible to anyone that needs to laugh

So, we go make deals with venues, liquor distributers, and the like in order to make sure we can get you all the drinks and laughs you’re going to need (and then some) included in the price. So if you see one of our ticket prices going over $25, you know it’s coming with a LOT of free drinks. If you don’t drink. No problem. We have plenty of shows that are BYOB or non-alcohol based. If there’s a show you want to go to that has a drink package that you don’t want… email us! We’ll make you a personalized, non-drinking ticket.

Our variety of show types

We like to mix it up at DTF - keep things exciting for you. They’re all going to be special - but this is how we break it down:

  • These are our “regular” shows. But, there’s nothing regular about them. What makes them “regular” is that you’ll know where they are, and maybe who’s on the lineup. We’ll of course bring that DTF flavor to the equation and make it a memorable night. Just come prepared to laugh. Use it as a pregame or a post-dinner event. It’s gonna be cheaper than any bar you’re going to so come get your fill.

  • These are a little more fun. This is where we tell you the neighborhood but not the location. The day of the show around 11am. You’ll get an email from our team telling you the exact address. Could be in an apartment, a barbershop, a tuxedo factory. Who knows!

  • The entertainment industry is a fickle bch. It’s tough for hardworking comics to get their name out. So we’ve decided that we’re going to do everything we can to help. If you come to one of the tapings. You can expect it to be done up BIG!!! I mean really f*ckin big. We bring in a whole film crew and shoot 10 minute specials for 7, very funny comics who would benefit greatly from a little nudge. We produce, edit, and promote their content for free - just to give back to the people that make the genre so amazing.